So, while not official, Phan and I are moving to Cambodia, yes Cambodia.
Quickly some of the immediate reactions I/we have gotten when uttering those words.
- Wow
- Why?
- When
- No
- Awesome
- Serious?
- Dude, go for it.
- What about your job?
So why?
I think it is for me a collection of reasons that we are pursuing this opportunity. We have the ability to leave America and go there, and it would be a waste of an opportunity. It is where Phan is from, it could be very good to spend some time learning about where she comes from and maybe who she is a little. I like to teach, I like Cambodians, We don't have any kids, but I'll be honest I don't like to be reminded by others of this fact. Thats a soft spot for me. We think that living overseas is something we will enjoy. This could allow us a year or two to travel and see and experience a new world. Imagine where our minds and hearts will go.
It is more involved than you think to make choices on possessions and cars and a house. A lot of moving pieces, but family has been really great and hopefully our imposition is not too much of a burden.
more why
I love Phan and I really love to go on adventures with Phan, we're at our best when we are tackling challenges together and figuring stuff out together. I am most fulfilled when Phan and I discover something together. I am humbled to be able to experience this with her at this time in our life.
even more why
I want to
I am not going to ask you to come to Cambodia, but it would be our pleasure to see you there. Visit, email, skype or don't. We love you just the same